Saturday, October 3, 2009

"There is no pit so deep that He is not deeper still!"

- courtesy of Corrie ten Boom. I would love to be just like Corrie ten Boom when I grow up.

In describing this week, "awful" would be an understatement. I don't think I've even been so stressed out about school. I also don't think I feel like blogging about that topic.

So, here's a question for you: what's the worst thing Fry's could do to your computer?
Answer: lose ALL of your information. Every single file.

Yep, that was something else I dealt with this week. My laptop is a huge, out-dated system, complete with Windows Vista and built for people like my dad, who think "bigger is better." (I love my dad, but I think he is technologically challenged.) Actually, the desk-top sized screen is perfect for watching movies...but that is beside the point. I don't have time for movie-watching anymore.

My computer crashed for the fourth time in a year and a half about two months ago, and I took it back in to Fry's, where the computer is warranted, on August 24th. Just as they had every other time, they insisted that they had to wipe my system and completely restore it to new. Just as I had every other time, I agreed, and handed over my precious computer.

I don't have enough time, energy, or patience to explain all the mistakes they made with my computer, but here's the overall idea: they had to switch out the motherboard. According to some of my techno-savvy friends, that is a fairly easy procedure. However, Fry's managed to order a malfunctioning motherboard, then the wrong montherboard, and when finally ordered and installed the correct one, over a month after I had given them my computer, they "forgot" to re-download my information.

And then I found out that they "lost" ALL of my files, documents, photos, everything! Either lost it all, or lied about backing up my system beforehand.

Most of my pictures are on my parent's system, and a few are on CD-ROMs. I have lost a whole year's worth of English papers; but honestly, I could care less about that. I can re-install all of my programs - Microsoft Office, Outlook, etc. - without much inconvience, besides the time it takes for installation. But the most painful loss will be the dozen documents I had written and saved on that computer alone, my free writing. Stuff like short stories, poems, thoughts, the beginnings of novellas, fantasy, memoirs. It makes me ache, thinking of the hours of effort, emotion, and love put into those little documents, all of which are lost in cyberspace. It's not a good feeling.

So - the moral of this story? Never, ever, EVER go to Fry's. Why? First off, they stink, and secondly, I may be forced to have a long, uncomfortable conversation with their whole staff. And when I finish, I'd rather you not have to be known as the friend of the eccentric, who freaked out because a computer-fixing store broke her heart and lost her information.
...Yes, that is called sarcasm.

But just as Corrie ten Boom forgave her tormentors, I'll forgive the dummies who erased my documents.
"There is no pit so deep that He is not deeper still!"

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