Saturday, October 17, 2009

It's a wonderful thing, freedom is.

Well, this week is officially over - this week full of tests and stress and a sleep deprivation. I am so relieved. FREEDOM!

[I am pretending housework and chores don't exist. Shhh. Don't burst my bubble.]

I took the PSAT this morning at Calvary, bright and early. I figured I'd see a couple of people I knew from sixth grade, which is when I attended Calvary, and I did: Bethany B., Ashley C., and Amanda T. Oh, how I miss those girls! Kenny G. was taking the test, too. Almost made me want to go back. My mom and I briefly discussed the possibility of me taking a few classes there next year - like math and Spanish. Hmmm.

The college midterms went well, I think. English was easy - almost too easy for confidence, you might say. We had to read and analyze a poem we'd "never seen before." Dr. Franklin chose Walt Whitman's "When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer." It was an interesting, but short poem, and I think pretty straightforward. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

The history midterm was alright, too. We had to write one long essay (2 1/2 to 3 pages), one short essay (1 to 1 1/2 pages), and two other half page to one page essays. I finished in time to complete two out of three extra credit options, too, which were also both writing (a description of an event and a rant about the way the Constitution has impacted America today). I'm hoping I do really well on these...I need an A to boost my grade.

There was no government midterm (which made me very happy), but I am currently working on a huge research paper. We were told to chose a "hot button topic," or something we had been discussing in class. I chose to study the thoughts/opinions/laws/regulations on euthanasia/the "right to die." It's very interesting, albeit a little morbid, so far.

So now, I'm sitting in my driveway, soaking up the returning sun, and thinking about next week. I don't think I've got a whole lot DUE next week, but I do have a whole lot to DO. I'm starting to get used to the college routine, and I'm not horribly behind in reading, but I just have a lot of studying. If you're in the neighborhood with your books, give me a call, and we'll see if we can't get together and do some studying. Studying alone is such a lonely thing. (Is that repetitive?)

Anyways, I think I'll be signing off for today. Hopefully next weekend I'll have something to write about, besides school. That's not a promise, but a passionate hope. In the meantime, if you'd like to read something less boring, I'd suggest reading my friend's mom's blog, "Fish in My Hair." She's an incredible story-teller and very entertaining.

Hasta la vista, baby.

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