Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 1 of the 2010 West Texas Vacation

I can't possibly describe how happy I am to be back in the desert. How happy I am to see Agave plants like this one. --->

Mom, Dad, Hannah, Josh and I made the trip down yesterday (Friday). We got a late start and didn't get out of town until about 2 or 3pm. It didn't help that right before we left, Uncle Wes called and said that Granny had fallen again and hit her head pretty badly. We weren't sure if we were going to go or not, but the doctors said she was okay, so we left. I need to call her today, but for some reason our cell service isn't working out here (it's supposed to!). Maybe I'll use the landline.

It was a long trip, (from Denton to Lajitas is 607 miles - 10 hours and 3 minutes, not including traffic or the three million bathroom breaks we had to take) even though the kids were fairly non-whiny until about two hours out. It rained nearly the whole drive, and we saw a rainbow. Right before that, though, I saw the worst car wreck I've ever seen. A pickup truck was completely upside-down, and there was someone inside. His arm was hanging out the window - that's all you could see. It was horrible. The paramedics weren't rushing around trying to get him out, even though an ambulance was ready, so I assume he died. It was pretty sobering. Life is so fragile, and precious. I hope you recognize that.

Anyways, enough sad stuff.

We made it to our hotel (Lajitas - The Ultimate Hideout) around 1:45am and got everything unpacked - and unfortunately, the room was TINY, and dirty. We weren't super happy with the situation, but we were all so glad to get out of the car that we didn't really care. Mom and the kids went to sleep, and me and Dad hopped back in the van and cruised the River Road. Those of you who know me know what we're looking for...

Didn't see what we were hunting for, but we did see a bunch of kangaroo rats (they are so cute!), a HUGE donkey (and it's normally-sized family) and one Trans Pecos Rat Snake (at about 3:30am). The weather stayed between 78 and 74 degrees the whole time - a little chilly. I think Sunday and Monday night will be our best bet for finding what we're looking for.
We're observing the wildlife.

This morning when we woke up, Dad went to see about possibly moving into a bigger room, since all five of us were crammed into the hotel like sardines in a can. He got the keys to a bigger (and only slightly more expensive) room and took me to check it out. To my supreme horror, we found two, large, recently-deceased centipedes (not millipedes - that would have been okay!) and one tiny scorpion - the worst kind. Ugh. It gave me the heeby-jeebies, or whatever. So we complained to the hotel manager, and we ended up with a $400.00 a night condo, fully decked out, with a full kitchen, dining room, living room, two bathroom, two TV's (one of which is a plasma) and it's own personal patio. That's where I'm sitting now. Oh, and it has internet service!! Happy day.

After getting settled in the amazing new suite, Dad and I ran to the general store to grab a gallon of milk. It's a great store, and somehow has all of our favorite foods. It's crazy perfect. And we got to drive around a bit and look at the town - it's really small - and I found some great photo op sites. As soon as we're all ready and dressed for the day, we're going to drive around and take pictures, and then probably head out of town (maybe to Alpine or Ft. Davis) and check things out. We'll bring the family back around 8pm tonight and head back out to "observe the wildlife." I. Can't. Wait.

Well, that's about it for now - those of you who are my friends on facebook, be expecting photos. And if you want a postcard, facebook me your address and I will send you one! I don't have cell service, so don't call, but I do have internet service if you need me.

Signing out -
A Very Happy, Desert-Dwelling, Snake-"Observer"
P.S. OH! And we have a killer pool right across the street! Woohoo!

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