Friday, February 5, 2010

Greetings, from the Future

Yeah, I know, it's been a ridiculously long time since I wrote last. But today, a friend of mine said something about creating a blog, and I remembered that I already had one - and it's being abused. So, here I am, with the intention of doing nothing but simply filling in the gaps from December 8, 2009 to February 5, 2010.

First off, I had a fantastic winter break from NCTC. My finals went swell - came out with two A's in my freshman classes and a B in my sophomore class - and the break was not only much appreciated, but much needed. My first-semester professors were either outright strange or the definition of lousy; I came to the following conclusions:
My English professor may be some kind of creepy cult leader.
My female government professor may run for the presidency in the 2016 elections.
My AMERICAN history professor DEFINITELY has serious issues, if he thinks he can teach on the French Revolution for five weeks and then test us on the band names of artists in the '60's.


Then came Christmas: and with Christmas, a stinkin' load of snow. Now, normally, I would love to have snow - one day's worth, at least - but this happened the day before Christmas Eve and ruined my Eve plans. And then, you know what? It snowed AGAIN. On New Years' Eve. I'm not going to lie, that was fun. I got some great pictures, and my now one-year-old puppy sure enjoyed his first snow.

Winter break lasted about five, incredible weeks, and by the time college started up again, I was more than ready to get into it. And school is great this year. I'm taking three classes again: English 1302 and History 1302 (the second halves of the first semester) and College Algebra. My algebra teacher is pretty good - she's a mommy, and is really approachable and helpful. My English professor is a grandmotherly type with an intense southern accent - she's from Mississippi - and totally different from my last professor in every way imaginable. My history professor is awesome.

We'll call him Mr. W. Mr. W. is a middle-aged man from Germany, that grew up in Kansas. He's balding on top and has perfectly round glasses, which remind me of Benjamin Franklin's, that he takes off to read. He's an ex-military guy (but when I asked him what he participated in, he told me he was active in the Cold War. Hmmm). And Mr. W. is LOUD. I mean, he's forced this history into us, made us live it, breathe it, believe it. He is an excellent teacher - my favorite so far - and despite his salty language (which I'll blame on the Army) he has made me enjoy it like I haven't enjoyed history before. He's got passion, and he wants us to see it and feel it the way he does. We've already covered Reconstruction and Western Expansion, and are now heading into the Progressive Era. I'm looking forward to it.

Besides school, dance has become an even bigger part of my life this semester. There have been recent developments to which I have hence forth sworn secrecy, but will soon be able to uncover. We are having a big production for our 20th year: Ordinary's Dream, based off of a novel by Bruce Wilkinson, The Dream Giver. I'm looking forward to it.

Much else has happened lately, but about four minutes ago I told my mom, "Just five more minutes on my blog!" so I had better close for now. I've got to go do a load of wash and read a chapter of history before bed. And even though tomorrow is Saturday, I'm getting up early to have breakfast with one of my best friends and then go to a cast party for Ordinary's Dream. And tomorrow night - my new favorite weekend activity! - swing dancing!

Next time I write, I'll be seventeen, as my birthday falls on Monday. I can't believe I've only got three days left as a sixteen-year-old. Three days. And I'll never be sixteen again.

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